
Cadet army caps


Cadet army caps are part of military uniforms. They resemble baseball caps, but they have a different cut. How can we use them ?

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Cadet army caps

Trousers, high boots, blouse, you think we have just picked random pieces of clothes ? No, these are parts of the military uniform. It also includes headgear which is compulsory for soldiers. It can be for example hat, beret but also army cap. Such cap does not differ much from standard (baseball) cap. It also consist of crown and visor in the front. However, the design and overall appearance are a bit different.

Ideal headgear 

For soldiers as well as another members of special forces and army sports enthusiasts it is an ideal headgear. How so ? Simply - when moving outside when there is no danger, it provides effectice protection against sun and at the same time protects our eyes thanks to the visor. As we have already mentioned, army cap is by concept very similar to standard baseball cap. However, there are some differences.  

Cadet Army Cap vs Baseball Cap 

As we all know, the baseball cap is dome-shaped with visor on one side and adjustable size on the other. There are also stretchy caps or caps that come in different sizes. Army cap, however, has different shape. The top of the cap is (thanks to the low-profile) lowered, cut off. It rather resembles a cylinder than dome. Also the visor is smaller to avoid limiting the field of view, but at the same time large enough to protect from the sun.

Cotton is winning 

Although you may think that cotton/polyester mix would be great for such hat, you are wrong. 100% cotton is the best choice for army caps as it provides natural breathability and good strength. Moreover, Rip-Stop coating can be used for even better breathability and durability and we should think about it when making a selection otherwise we can be sweating unpleasantly.

For soldiers as well as civilians 

Cadet army caps can be worn by us civilians as well as military personnel. These army caps also feature velcro field on the front for placing of military rank insignia so you don´t have to look on the blouse. When making a selection, be careful with material and the size. It can be either adjustable or stated in normal sizes – M, L, XL etc. 

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